Faculty of Economics and Business Administration  --  Institutes  --  Institute of Finance and International Economic Relations  --  World Economics and European Economic Integration

Dr. Anita PELLE PhD


Publications - MTMT

CV (Hungarian)

Scientific Curriculum Vitae


  • associate professor
  • University of Szeged Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
    Institute of Finance and International Economic Relations

    Division of World Economics and European Economic Integration

  • 6722 Szeged, Kálvária sgt. 1.
    Szeged, Pf. 914. H-6701
    Tel: +36-62-546-903
    Fax: 06-62-544-499
    E-mail: pelle@eco.u-szeged.hu

Personal data:

First name: Anita

Surname: Pelle

Place and date of birth: Szeged, 23 February 1975

E-mail: pelle@eco.u-szeged.hu


  • 1989-1993
    Deák Ferenc High School English-Hungarian bilingual class, Szeged
  • 1996-2000
    University of Szeged, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, economist specialised in European integration
  • 2002-2005
    University of Szeged, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Doctoral School, Economics Program, European integration specialisation


Language skills:

  • English: excellent
  • Italian: excellent
  • German: good
  • Spanish, French: fair


  • 1997-1998
    European Public Administration Training Scholarship, Prime Minister’s Office

Work experience:

  • 2000-2001
    real estate acquisitor, Lidl Hungary
  • 2001-2006
    assistant lecturer, University of Szeged, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Department of World Economics and European Economic Integration
  • 2006- September 2011
    senior lecturer, University of Szeged, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Institute of Finance and International Economic Relations, Department of World Economics and European Economic Integration
  • September 2011 -
    associate professor, University of Szeged, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Institute of Finance and International Economic Relations, Department of World Economics and European Economic Integration

Courses taught:

  • Economics of the European Union
  • Economics of Integration
  • Economic Institutions of the European States
  • Economic and Monetary Union (in Hungarian and in English)
  • European Strategic Management (in English)
  • Environmental Policy of the European Union (in Hungarian and in English)
  • Research and Development in the European Union (in English)
  • Management of EU-funded Projects (in English)
  • Communication and Partnership in EU-funded Projects
  • Economics of Germany from 1918 until Today
  • Competition Regulation in the European Union
  • European Business Environment (in Hungarian and in English)
  • The Central Eastern European Business Environment (in English)
  • The Competition, Trade, and Industrial Policies of the EU

Experience in EU-related projects:

  • 2001-
    faculty coordinator of international relations
  • June 2002- March 2003
    project coordinator
    Leonardo project HU/02/PL/215 "Practice of personal consultancy in the EU"
  • June 2002- May 2004
    project coordinator
    Leonardo project HU/02/PL/214 "Insurance market"
  • September 2002- July 2004
    project coordinator
    CEEPUS (Central European Exchange Programme for University Studies) network A-25
  • October 2002- February 2003
    junior assistant
    Phare Twinning Project HU 0008-01 "Regional Preparatory Programme for the Implementation of the Structural Funds"
  • March 2003- December 2003
    leading trainer
    MATRA Project Development Training for Regional Development
  • September 2004- March 2005
    leading trainer
    Ministry of Economics, Multiplicator Training Programme
  • June 2006- August 2007
    research coordinator
    Structural Funds project ROP-3.3.1-05/1.-2005-11-0002/34 „Training on the policies of the European Union and development of competencies for better employment in the South Great Plain Region among the students of Universitas by enlarging the training portfolio of the University of Szeged”
  • September 2007- December 2007
    training coordinator
    Structural Funds project ROP-3.3.1-05/1.-2005-11-0002/34 „Training on the policies of the European Union and development of competencies for better employment in the South Great Plain Region among the students of Universitas by enlarging the training portfolio of the University of Szeged”
  • September 2006- May 2007
    INTERREG III/A project HU-RO-SCG-1/031. „Innocoopess – Innovative cross border economic cooperation Subotica – Szeged”
  • Sep 2006- Aug 2008
    project monitoring expert
    HEFOP 3.4.1.
  • March 2007
    project proposal assessment expert
    Lifelong Learning Programme 2007-2013
  • September 2007
    project proposal assessment expert
    CEEPUS Programme
  • November 2009 - December 2010
    project manager
    cross-border cooperation project HURO/0801/087. “Examination of innovation and cooperation abilities and development possibilities of small and medium sized enterprises in the Hungarian-Romanian cross-border region”
  • June 2010 - June 2011
    project manager
    cross-border cooperation project HUSRB/0901/213/050. “Examination of innovation and cooperation abilities and development possibilities of small and medium sized enterprises in the Hungarian-Serbian cross-border region”
  • June 2010 - August 2011
    project manager
    cross-border cooperation project HUSRB/0901/214/082. “Gynaecological endoscopy for the assessment of infertility: joint capacity building to foster future cooperation in research and development”
  • December 2011 -
    Chief Financial Director’s rapporteur
    cross-border projects of the University of Szeged

Membership in other organisations, public life:

  • 1997- 2000
    secretary, Canticum Szeged Musical Public Educational Association
  • 2003-
    member, Victoria Chamber Choir Association
  • 2006-
    member, Association of Young Researchers in Economics
  • 2001-
    member, Committee of International Relations, University of Szeged, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
  • 2001-2007
    elected member, Faculty Council, University of Szeged, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
  • 2009-
    Editorial Board, Working Papers of the Faculty of International Relations, University of Economics, Prague
  • 2011-
    Committee of External Relations, University of Szeged, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
  • 2011-
    ordinary member
    Alliance Française
  • 2011-
    Hungarian Economists’ Association

References on trainings, lectures, training material development and consultancy:

  • Tempus Public Foundation
  • University of Szeged, European Studies Centre
  • Progress Enterprise Development Foundation
  • Danube-Kris-Mures-Tisa Euroregional Development Agency
  • South Great Plain Regional Development Agency
  • Szeged Centre for Security Policy
  • Municipality of Szeged
  • Békés County Chamber of Commerce
  • Békés County Labor Office
  • KISOSZ Szeged
  • Association of Hungarian Teachers in Bácska
  • Chance for Stability Public Foundation
  • New Handshake Public Foundation
  • Hungarian Institute for Public Administration
  • Makó Municipal Library
  • Hungarian National Council
  • Universitas-Szeged Students Service Centre
  • INNOSTART National Business and Innovation Centre